Conspiratorial Antisemitism – A Cause for Concern

Vi lanserer i dag en rapport med fokus på antisemittiske ideologer de siste tiårene, skrevet på bestilling av John Færseth.





Rapportens forord:

«While parts of this report deal with older strands of antisemitism, it should not be seen as a chronological presentation of the history of modern antisemitism. Rather it should be viewed as an attempt at presenting strands, actors and concepts that are still around alongside newer ones. Or which, while currently dormant, might be prone to reappear later. An example of this is how the long-forgotten James Mason and his newsletter SIEGE gained new notoriety after 2017, or how the idea of the Jew as a symbol of a despised modernity keeps reoccurring.

The focus of this report is the Western antisemitic tradition in Europe and the United States. It makes no attempt at covering Islamic or Arab antisemitism except where it intersects with European and American strands. This is not an omission, simply an acknowledgement of the fact that it is a different tradition which this author lacks the cultural and linguistic knowledge to cover. It is my sincere hope that it will be the subject of another report at a later stage.»

Les rapporten her: Conspiratorial Antisemitism – A Cause for Concern.

John Færseth er en norsk skribent og forfatter som blant annet er kjent for sin bok KonspiraNorge (2013).

Antirasistisk Senter har til hensikt å bestille eksterne rapporter regelmessig, som et bidrag til kunnskapen om rasistiske utfordringer i vår tid.

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