Fra : 23 April 2019 19:00
Til : 23 April 2019 21:00
Litteraturhuset i Oslo
Velkommen til et møte med professor Carolyn M. Rouse fra Princeton, om hennes prosjekt Trumplandia.
Professor Carolyn M. Rouse is Head of Department of Anthropology at Princeton University in the USA. Her current ethnographic project is entitled ‘Trumplandia’, and is based on ethnographic work among Trump voters in Northern California.
A prominent anthropologist, public intellectual and documentary filmmaker with ethnographic experience from Ghana and the USA, Rouse has published extensively on African-American women and Islam, racial health care disparities and sickle cell disease, and black media in the USA.
For the 10th Anniversary of Anthropology Of Our Times: A Series In Public Anthropology we are very proud to introduce Prof Rouse in conversation with Associate Researcher Sindre Bangstad at KIFO. Rouse will be introduced by Dr Michelle Antoinette Tisdel (PhD, Harvard University) from the National Library of Norway in Oslo. The conversation will be followed by a Q&A with the audience.
The event, which is free of charge and open to all, is organized in partnership with the Norwegian Centre Against Racism (ARS) and the Department of Anthropology at the University of Bergen and funded by the Fritt Ord Foundation.
Please note that this event is in English. Early arrival at the venue advised.